Fundamentals of confidence

1:1 Working with me

lets get started

Sometimes you require 1 to 1 support with growing your confidence

Having bespoke, personalised time to sit down and really look at what’s happening for you can bring major benefits. We can do this whetheryou want to make changes personally, or if you’re just starting out in business, scaling or pivoting. Whatever stage you’re at, we can work together to help you have the confidence to be you, and to overcome any obstacles in the way.

How I can help you 

Empowering, Reconnecting, Inspiring.

You know yourself best. I believe that the only way we can work effectively is 50/50; I’ll bring my expertise and you bring yours in you. Every person is gloriously unique, as are you, so we’ll need to dive down into your personal journey of confidence, who you are and work from your foundations/beliefs/values/identity. We’ll do this by….

* Figuring out your foundations by gaining insight into your values and identity. 

* Zoom in on self-limiting thoughts or behaviours that may be holding you back. These may be Imposter syndrome, lack of assertiveness, or boundary setting.

* Gain clarity on what you want to achieve and setting achievable, realistic goals that feel most aligned to you.

* Gather it all together into an actionable strategy. 

* Test it out! Going right ahead and changing your behaviours in an ‘experimental’ style not only allows you to take the pressure off because you’re just testing what the outcome may be, but can also build confidence at the same time. .

Based on Values & Compassion

Keeping you on track with zoom meetings that fit in with you as you continue to build confidence in yourself. 
Working with me means that you’ll have your own bespoke process, but to get some ideas going, here are a few areas I can help you with :

* Procrastination - helping dismantle the blocks that are stopping you from starting

* Fear - this one is a biggie. In a gentle way, we can examine what the fear is trying to tell you, and bring it alongside us. It doesn’t have to dominate. 

* Imposter syndrome. Setting intentions and goals. Values - knowing what your personal and business ones are and learning that by sticking close to them it can help you to show up in your unique way. 

* Gaining work/life balance that fits you. 

* Assertiveness and boundary setting.

Working individually could be helpful if...

- You’ve noticed patterns of procrastination or perfectionism that you’re struggling to overcome. 
- You’re avoiding pitching/networking or speaking which you know could help with growth.
- You shy away from social media and feel the fear of having to do something that doesn’t align to you. 
- Getting confident in yourself is the best way for you to show up in your business with clarity. 
- You’ve changed careers or have been away from work for a while and want to overcome any self-limiting beliefs. 
- You want to work in a way that is compassionate and kind. I will never ask you to do anything that makes you feel overwhelmed. We’ll be learning together and I’ll be walking alongside you. I will always hold space for you to explore and practice in a kind way. I think women are strong AF and sometimes our strength is in our emotional expression. 

So if you’re wondering if I’m right for you, drop me a message and we can have a chat about whether we’d be the right fit to work together and how I can help you. .


Heres how we can work together

If you want to know more or can't choose which is right for you, just contact me and I'll be more than happy to jump on a call and talk about which might be most suitable.

I have two standard packages below, howveer if you require a bespoke service please get in touch.

1:1 Reconnect Package

We’ll be working together for a number of months to give you lots of time to gather your foundations, develop your confidence, test out new skills and work towards your goals. 

Working with the learning zones, I’ll be helping you to stay in the challenge zone to promote growth, but to also support you if you tip in to overwhelm, plus you can also learn how to use the comfort zones effectively! 

Whichever stage of business you are at, I’ll be there to support you in your journey to reconnect to yourself, and we’ll be able to learn and grow as you go when things happen ‘in real life’. So if challenges arise we can work through them together!

Investment - £2750 - Payment plans available.

Lets go!
  • 1/2 day initial session to assess where you’re at, and map out the plan of action (in person or virtual)

  • 6 Zoom sessions to work through the plan, spread out at your pace

  • A client portal to store your meeting recordings and action steps
  • Feedback and accountability from me for the duration of the course

  • A final session to conclude the process and revisit anything we’ve covered.


Working on the fundamentals of your confidence, we will work in a motivational way to help you reconnect to your confidence by talking through a topic that is important for you to move forward, and you will leave with your own personalised actionable plan to get started right away. Topic ideas: Showing up authentically and aligned with values, challenging self-limiting beliefs, setting goals and intentions, showing up with compassion, learning from failure. 

Investment - £550 - Payment options available.

Ready? Let's go!
  • 2 hour session to dive into the topic and map out an action plan (via Zoom or in person in London)

  • The written strategy and action steps sent over afterwards

  • 1 hour Zoom call 2-3 weeks later to support with the implementation

  • Feedback and accountability from me for 30 days after the initial session

Still on the fence?

This course is the right fit if you…

→ are struggling to make a connection with themselves;

→ feel that their confidence has decreased;

→ have noticed that the negative critical voice is on repeat and they can’t break free from it;

→ feel that they could benefit from a community that is aligned to their values;

→ are feeling lost in who they are or what their identity is;

→ feel chewed up and spat out by the system who are noticing that they’re not looking after themselves and don’t have balance;

→ have a desire to build their confidence and self esteem so they can grow in a way that feels authentic, natural and true to them.


Frequently Asked Qs

What is Reconnect Sisterhood?

It is a community in which you can attend workshops, courses or become private clients, and learn about how to reconnect to you and your confidence. We aim to help women to reconnect to who they are, empower them to have confidence, and to notice the outside systems preventing them. We know that there are many systems in place to stop Women from being able to reach their full potential, and to stop them from being confident in who they are, and we are here to change that! It is not you, it is the system.

How will I be connected to my community?

We use Geneva to stay connected, and you will be added to your group cohort which is a private space for you all to chat. I will also be running twice yearly meet ups in person for everyone who attends workshops, courses or those who are private clients.

Who is this for?

Any self-identifying woman can join the workshops and courses. Typically, Women who join the courses are at a transitional stage of their lives, or those who wish are wanting to make changes. The age range of Women we see are between late 20’s - late 40’s, however all ages are very welcome as we support all women.

How much time will I have to give?

During the course or workshop, we would recommend committing at least 2 hours per week of outside learning and reflection. There will also be a recording of all online workshops/courses available to you.

Can I work with Reconnect Sisterhood individually?

Yes, we work with individuals and businesses privately, and can work 1:1 to provide a bespoke service which is important to you or your business.

What if I’m not satisfied?

If you have completed the course and have listened to all of the workshops and are still not happy, please contact us within 30 days of the course ending and we will give you a full refund.

Are there any discounts available?

For any Women on maternity leave, you can apply for a 25% discount. We want the workshops to be accessible to as many women as possible, so if you are in financial hardship please contact us as we have 1-2 spots available for free each workshop.

Can I transfer my booking to another program?

Prior to the start of the course, you can transfer it to another if there is space up until 72 hours before the course starts. Please just get in touch and let us know.